Looking for longer term?

For start-ups or new businesses, we offer complimentary initial Marketing consultation, Accounting advice and Administration advice from proven professionals.


The best of both worlds - longer-term security and the convenience of a fully serviced office. Enjoy your own exclusive office with fibre internet, access to the shared kitchen, security, bike storage and much more.

Dedicated private office

This is an office you can make your own. Change the colours, add your own furniture - arrange it as you like. It’s your exclusive space (and locked up when you leave) but in the company of other professionals and with all services and amenities included.

You can even make the most of our High Street location with your own sign on the front of the building.

Available 24/7

$300/week - everything included

  • Your own secure dedicated office with desk and chair.

  • Reception service

  • Fibre internet

  • Access to the shared kitchen and bathrooms

  • Bike storage

  • 24/7 secure access to the building.

  • Dedicated heat pump for heating and cooling

  • Power

  • Cleaning

  • Signage available on the exterior of the building


We look forward to working with you.