Miriam Lynch Miriam Lynch

CoWorking - a reason to be cheerful

Remote working is on the rise but, for many workers, so is procrastination. To solve this, remote workers have been trying a new technique called “body doubling”.

Remote working is on the rise but, for many workers, so is procrastination.

To solve this, remote workers have been trying a new technique called “body doubling”. It may sound like something from a sci-fi movie but it’s a lot more down to Earth than that and it seems to be helping people get more done.

You can read all about this technique here and you may even like to give it a try. Supposedly:

  • you’ll feel less lonely and isolated

  • your performance will improve when you train/work alongside others

  • even brief social interactions unleash dopamine, which drives motivation.

We believe it’s hard to beat being in an office with others when it’s only $25 a day and no there’s no long-term commitment. Book now and body double with us and unleash your dopamine! (The coffee is on us too).

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